Can I add Windows fonts to the FXR?

Most of these fonts are not distributed with Documaker so you must purchase a separate license from the company that owns the font. Windows fonts are licensed by Microsoft and other companies. Without a proper license, you cannot convert Windows fonts into printer fonts for PCL, AFP, or Metacode. Furthermore, you cannot distribute the Windows fonts with your application.

Oracle Insurance has licensed fonts that are equivalent to Arial (called Albany), Arial Narrow, Arial Black, and Wingdings (called DocuDings). Beginning with version 10.3 (REL103.FXR), Documaker font cross-reference (FXR) files include these fonts. These fonts are similar in appearance to the corresponding Windows fonts and have the same character width attributes.

Other Windows fonts, such as Tahoma, Verdana, Georgia, Comic Sans MS, Microsoft Sans Serif, Nina, Webdings, and Trebuchet MS, must be licensed from the Ascender Corporation.

For information about licensing and embedding specific Windows fonts, open Control Panel and choose fonts. Highlight the font and choose the File, Properties option.